Monday, May 18, 2015

Saving the world one person or cow at a time...

Hey Hi Adios Goodbye,
SO this was an interesting week because nothing really too exciting really happened at all, but I am just so happy it is awesome! Actually something cool happened… a guy actually talked to us the other day when we were street contacting. It was the best day ever. Sure he was asking about a family history storage center in the mountain, but who cares it was so nice to actually talk to someone!!

Being here in Abilene has really made me appreciate life so much much more. And the love I have from those I know. I have also began to realize what humility truly is. I guess back home I always thought I was super humble, haha that is a red flag all in itself, but I believe that I was put in Abilene to truly help me understand what Humility means… I can do nothing by myself as for my strength I am weak. But that’s okay because I am made alive and strong as a representative of Christ. I seriously am more happy than I have ever been which shouldn’t be possible because everyone around me hates my guts. I know because of that simple fact that this work is true.

Also I have been thinking about possibly becoming a doctor someday. So one of our members this week who owns some cows asked us if we wanted to come help him with them so we said yes. It was way awesome, not the same as dead cow pulling, but we did get to give them their shots and castrate them. It was the best day ever haha and while we were doing that I really learned a lot about myself as I saw all of that blood and gave all of those shots. I learned that there are things in life that no one really wants to do. But there are so many things that we need to do. I have decided to be the person who not just does what he wants, I will do what I need to do to save the world.

And someday I will save the world one person or cow at a time :)

The boots Keeg bought for a souvenir. 

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